Dernière modification le 13 Nov 2020

Le protocole Berty


Ce document fournit une description technique du protocole de Berty. Le protocole Berty fournit une communication sécurisée entre les appareils appartenant au même compte la communication entre les contacts dans une conversation individuelle, ainsi que la communication entre plusieurs utilisateurs dans des groupes multimembres. Ce document expliquera comment ces points sont implémentés d’une manière distribuée et asynchrone avec ou sans accès à Internet en utilisant IPFS et les transports directs tels que BLE (Bluetooth-Low-Energy). Il décrira également comment le protocole Berty fournit un chiffrement de bout en bout et un secret parfait pour tous les messages échangés.

⚠️ Avertissement

La mise en œuvre du protocole est encore en cours. Certaines fonctionnalités décrites dans ce document ne sont pas encore implémentées.

Ce protocole n’a pas encore été complètement vérifié et certains points sont tenus à évoluer avec le temps et les commentaires.

Néanmoins, nous sommes suffisamment confiants quant à la progression de la conception du protocole pour dire que la majorité de ces spécifications devrait rester la même.

Si un expert en sécurité lit ce document et souhaite nous fournir des commentaires, nous attendons avec impatience de le lire. Veuillez nous contacter en utilisant l’un des moyens listés sur cette page :

Protocol Stack



IPFS is a peer-to-peer network for storing and sharing data in a distributed file system. Here is a very succinct description of how IPFS works:

  • Each peer has an identity key pair
  • Each peer identifies itself using a peerID (basically, a hash of its identity public key).
  • Each content is identified using a contentID (basically, a hash of the content).
  • A peer can make a locally stored content available on the network, announcing that a given contentID is provided by its peerID, so other peers can connect to it and fetch the content.
  • Once a peer has fetched the content over IPFS, it can also become a provider for this content, thus increasing its availability.
  • To make it all work, IPFS uses the libp2p network stack which provides everything that is needed to create a p2p application: DHT, PubSub, Nat Traversal, a collection of transports, etc…


Berty uses IPFS for the specific purpose of instant messaging. The utilization of a peer-to-peer network for instant messages provides two main advantages:

  • It is virtually impossible to block it or take it down: anyone can launch a node in a few seconds on their computer and two nodes within the same LAN are still able to communicate and operate without internet access, whereas in a centralized model, it is easier to block access to the servers of the company concerned, or even to force it to shut down its servers and stop its activity.
  • It is difficult to monitor: there is no central server to spy on nor central directory to compromise, thus metadata collection is greatly minimized. Instead of a directory linking public keys to personal data such as telephone numbers, the Berty Protocol uses a combination of TOTP and a public key to generate rendezvous point addresses and register its users on IPFS, who can later be contacted by peers wishing to communicate.

However it also brings several technical constraints:

  • Content availability: since there is no central storage, all the messages are stored on the users devices and it is impossible to access content stored on a device that is offline or unreachable from a given network.
  • Asynchrony: there is no central server to rule over the timeline, and therefore timestamps cannot be used for any purpose other than non-critical tasks like displaying messages in a certain order. For example: expiration time cannot be used to revoke access to a resource, it is impossible to determine with certainty the order in which operations occurred within a group of peers, etc…
  • Authority: there is no central authority to arbitrate operations and any resulting conflicts or to manage user identity and permissions.

⚠️ Warning

For the moment, IPFS is not privacy-focused and since it is a peer-to-peer network, any peer can for instance resolve a peerID to its associated public IP address. On the protocol layer, we can only mitigate this problem by rotating the peerID of the user regularly, rotating rendezvous points that peers use to meet and synchronize with each other and by making it difficult to establish a relationship between the data shared by users.

In the near future, we plan to invest some time to see to what extent, and with what constraints and implications, it would be possible to add an optional mode to the protocol in which connections are anonymized through networks like I2P, Tor or equivalent.

Rendezvous Point

A rendezvous point is a volatile address on a peer-to-peer network where two devices can meet. Peers can register their peerIDs on a given rendezvous point and/or get the list of already registered peers. In this way peers who, for example, need to connect together to exchange messages within a conversation, could find each other.

Peers need to be able to generate on their own, the same address for a given rendezvous using previously shared secrets.

In the Berty Protocol, the address of a rendezvous point is generated from two values:

  • A resource ID
  • A time-based token generated from a 32-byte seed

The generation of the time-based token follows the core principles of the RFC 6238 .

// golang
func rendezvousPoint(id, seed []byte, date time.Time) []byte {
    buf := make([]byte, 32)
    mac := hmac.New(sha256.New, seed)
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(buf, uint64(date.Unix()))

    sum := mac.Sum(nil)

    rendezvousPoint := sha256.Sum256(append(id, sum...))

    return rendezvousPoint[:]

There are two types of rendezvous points in the Berty Protocol:

  • Public rendezvous point: This rendezvous point is used by an account to receive contact requests. The resource ID used here is the Account ID and the seed can be renewed at will by the user, so it is possible to revoke the ability to send contact requests to users having only the previous seed.
  • Group rendezvous point: This rendezvous point is used to exchange messages within a group. The resource ID used here is the Group ID, and the seed cannot be changed.

The protocol relies on three different rendezvous point systems:

  • DHT-based: fully distributed, virtually impossible to shutdown, can operate without internet access but can be slow, especially for mobile usage.
  • Decentralized servers: not p2p / distributed, can be shut down easier than a DHT, can’t be reached offline but is a lot faster.
  • Local record: used in combination with direct transports such as Bluetooth Low Energy. To make it simple, it consists of a process where a peer is sending its rendezvous point list to the peers it connects to via a direct transport. The advantage is that it works in this particular case with almost instantaneous results, but the disadvantage is that it raises privacy concerns. We are still working on this process to improve this point. More info in Specificities of direct transport section.

Direct Transport

When there is no internet access it is still possible to communicate using direct transports, given some physical constraints of distance. These transports integrate directly with IPFS and more precisely with its network layer: libp2p.

Those direct transports are built on top of Android Nearby for Android devices, Multipeer Connectivity for iOS devices and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) for inter-OS communications. With Android Nearby and Multipeer Connectivity, messages can be exchanged over a Wi-Fi direct connection instead of BLE which is much faster and reliable.

It is possible to fully use the Berty Protocol without ever accessing the Internet: create an account, add contacts to it, join conversations and send messages as long as there are Berty users within a Bluetooth range.

Conflict-free Replicated Data Type

Since it is possible to communicate both online and offline using direct transport, it is necessary to have a way to keep coherence and order between all the messages, especially in a conversation with several participants. For example, if Alice and Bob are in a chat group with several other persons and they both lose internet connection by taking the subway, they can still communicate with each other in this same conversation using BLE, creating a parallel version of this conversation. When they go back online, the BLE version and the Internet version will have to merge. It is therefore necessary to use an algorithm that ensures that all peers, once synchronized, have exactly the same sorted list of messages.

The solution to this problem is Conflict-free Replicated Data Type (CRDT), which is a data structure allowing a consistent ordering of the messages on a distributed system. Berty relies on OrbitDB which implements CRDT. The CRDT provides optimistic replication and strong eventual consistency, which assures that once synchronized, every peer will have the same version of the message list.

Every message is linked to its parent, which is the last message sent in a conversation by one of the peers connected together at this moment. Problems appear when an online and an offline version of a conversation are synchronized: some messages are linked to the same parent and the linked list becomes a Directed Acyclic Graphs .

This causes the creation of several parallel branches that will need to be eventually merged. OrbitDB achieves this by using a Lamport Clock : each message will include one, and the merged list will be sorted according to its value.

A Lamport Clock is a struct that consists of two fields: an identity public key and a counter that is incremented for each message posted by the associated user/identity.

// golang
type lamportClock struct {
    time int
    id   crypto.PublicKey

The comparison function is very simple, it will first check the distance between the counter values and if there is none, it will check the lexicographic distance between the identity public keys, knowing that a given identity can’t post two messages with the same counter value.

// golang
func compareClock(a, b lamportClock) int {
    dist := a.time - b.time

    if dist == 0 {
        dist = comparePubKey(, // Returns lexicographic distance

    return dist


Account Creation

In order to use the Berty Protocol, a user will have to create an account. No personal data is required for the Account Creation. Please note that in the whole Berty Protocol, all key pairs will be X25519 for encryption and Ed25519 for signature. See the Cryptography section for more details about this choice.

Account creation steps:

  1. Generate Account ID Key Pair. This operation will not be repeated. This key pair is the identity of the account, hence it is not possible to change it.
  2. Generate Alias Key Pair. Operation will not be repeated. More details on Alias Key Pair in Alias Identity .
  3. Generate Device ID Key Pair on device used for account creation. This operation will be repeated on every new device. See Linking Devices for more information. This key pair is the identity of the device.
  4. Generate Public RDV Seed. The RDV Seed is used to generate an RDV Point to receive a Contact Request. See Adding Contacts for more information. This operation can be repeated anytime.

Since there is no central directory, it is not required to have access to the Internet in order to create an Account and send/receive a contact request. If two users create their Account offline and then connect via direct transport, they will exchange their public rendezvous points (used for contact requests) and will therefore be able to add each other as a contact.

Note: In this paper, an “ID” will always denote the public key of a key pair.

Linking Devices

In the Berty Protocol, a user can use multiple devices within the same account, which means that those devices need to be linked with each other in order to synchronize the Account’s contact list, group list, settings, etc… To add a device B, to an existing Account on a device A, the linking steps below will be followed.

Linking steps:

  1. First step is to generate a Device ID key pair on the new device B.
  2. Then device A has to generate an invitation containing A’s peerID, for example, in the form of an URL or a QRCode.
  3. Device B must scan the QRCode or follow the URL provided by A to retrieve A’s peerID, establish a connection with A and then send to A a linking request containing B’s Device ID, initiating the following handshake:


There are three different types of challenges that A can send to B:

  1. Fingerprint: B and A must display a fingerprint of B’s ID then the user will have to verify manually that the two fingerprints are the same and confirm it using a checkbox. This challenge is less secure because the user can confirm the equality without carefully reading the fingerprints, so it shall not be proposed to the user, unless they want to automate this process, for example, in the context of linking a range of servers to an Account with a script that could automatically check that the fingerprints match.
  2. QRCode: B must display a QRCode containing the fingerprint of its Device ID and the user must scan this QRCode with device A. If the QRCode matches the ID that A previously received, then the linking is successful. If device A possesses a functioning camera, this challenge shall be preferred because it is both more secure and convenient for the user (there is no error possible while checking the ID and it requires minimal effort from the user).
  3. PIN: A must display a PIN that the user has to enter on device B. Then B sends to A the signature of the PIN using its Device ID. Finally, A verifies the signature of the PIN using B’s Device ID then the linking is successful. This challenge is less secure because the user can confirm the equality without carefully reading the fingerprints, so it shall not be proposed to the user, unless they want to automate this process, for example, in the context of linking a range of servers to an Account with a script that could automatically check that the fingerprints match.

We recommend to developers implementing an application using the Berty Protocol to follow this state diagram to choose a challenge on Device A:


  • Device revocation: Please note that it is impossible to revoke a device. Once a device has been linked, it is in possession of the same information and secrets as every other device. Hence it has the same capabilities as every other device, for example the capability to link other devices, send messages, join groups or add contacts. There is no hierarchy between devices linked to an account.
  • Device synchronization: Since Berty is an asynchronous protocol, two devices need to be online at the same time to be synchronized. However, it is possible to palliate this problem using replication devices, whose sole purpose is to provide high availability for content. Those devices are not able to decrypt messages and all they can do is verify their authenticity (see High Availability for more information).

Adding Contacts

If an Account A wants to start a one-to-one conversation with an Account B, it will have to add B as a contact first. A will have to send a contact request to B that B will have to accept before the conversation can begin

Contact Request

When an Account A (the Requester) wants to add an Account B (the Responder) to its contacts, it needs to know the Responder’s Public rendezvous point. This rendezvous point is derived from the RDV Seed and the Account ID. Thus the Responder first needs to share his RDV Seed and his Account ID with the Requester, so that the latter can compute the RDV Point. This information can be sent by different means: an URL sent by message, a QRCode displayed on the Responder’s device and scanned by the Requester’s smartphone, etc…

The Responder can renew their RDV Seed at any time. If it does so, the Requester will not be able to send a contact request anymore unless the Responder shares its new RDV Seed. The Responder can also completely disable incoming contact requests by unregistering its devices from its public rendezvous point.

Once the Requester has computed the Responder’s RDV Point, it will be able to initiate the following Contact Request handshake.


Here is the handshake which occurs when the Requester sends a Contact Request to the Responder:

This handshake is widely inspired by Scuttlebutt’s Capability-based Handshake .

Starting keys

Here is the list of the keys known by each participant at the beginning of the handshake:

  • Requester knows:
    • and : Requester’s ID key pair.
    • and : Requester’s ephemeral key pair.
    • Responder’s ID public key.
  • Responder knows:
    • and : Responder’s ID key pair.
    • and : Responder’s ephemeral key pair.
1. Requester Hello

The Requester sends its ephemeral public key to the Responder. Ephemeral keys are only used for one handshake and then discarded. They guarantee the freshness of the messages to avoid replay attacks.

2. Responder Hello

The Responder sends its ephemeral public key to the Requester.

Now both the Requester and the Responder are able to compute two shared secrets denoted and :

Secrets are derived using the X25519 protocol. Since a man-in-the-middle could have intercepted the ephemeral keys and replaced them, we need cannot only rely on and we also need to use in our following exchanges.

3. Requester Authenticate

The Requester sends a secret box containing the signature of along with their ID public key to authenticate themselves. The secret box is sealed with and , thus in this step the Requester also proves that they know the Responder’s ID.

From this step, a man-in-the-middle is no longer able to intercept the exchanges because they are not able to compute , regardless of what they have done in the previous steps.

Now both the Requester and the Responder are able to compute another shared secret denoted :

4. Responder Accept

The Responder sends a secret box containing the signature of . The secret box is sealed with and the new secret , which proves that the Responder has effectively received and decrypted the previous message.

5. Requester Acknowledge

To inform the Responder that the Requester has not encountered any errors while verifying the contents of the Responder Accept, the Requester sends an acknowledgement. After this step, the handshake is considered valid by both parties.

  • Man-in-the-Middle: The handshake is not vulnerable to Man-in-the-Middle Attack. Indeed, the Requester already knows the Responder’s identity because they got it in a trusted way (for example by scanning a QRCode directly from the Responder’s device). To verify each other’s identities, the Requester and the Responder may meet later and check the fingerprint of their shared secret.
  • DDoS Attack: If the Responder refuses the Contact Request, they can block the Requester’s ID so they cannot initiate handshakes with them anymore. If the Responder is receiving too many contact requests, they can also change their RDV Seed and become unreachable using a former RDV Point.
  • Replay Attack: The use of ephemeral key pairs guarantees that an attacker cannot reuse a previously stolen message in order to dupe the Requester or the Responder.
  • Device availability: Please note that the Handshake is the only synchronous operation of the Berty Protocol: in order to succeed, both devices need to be online at the same time, which is usually the case if the Requester has scanned a QRCode on the Responder’s Device, but which may also not be the case if the Requester has clicked on a URL received by message. In the case none of the Responder’s devices are available, the Requester must wait and initiate a handshake later.



The protocol is strongly based on the concept of group. A group is a logical structure in which Members and their Devices connect to exchange messages and metadata. The metadata are various, some of them inform the group that a new Member or a new Member’s Device has joined the group, others are used to exchange encryption keys between Members and so on. Messages and Metadata are exchanged through two immutable logs provided by OrbitDB.

Group Structure

A Group is divided into two logs: a message log and a metadata log.

  • Message log: Contains all the messages exchanged within a Group. Members of the group can download only a part of the message log if they want to (for example only the 1000 last messages). Besides, members cannot decrypt messages sent before their arrival due to the Symmetric Ratchet Protocol (see Encryption for more information).
  • Metadata log: Contains all the metadata of the Group. Since it contains essential information, members of the group shall download the whole metadata log. Secrets are exchanged on this log. Arrivals of new members are also announced on this log, so if a new member does not download the whole metadata log they will not know the full list of members, thus they will not be able to exchange secrets with them and therefore, they will not be able to decrypt their messages.

Types of Groups

In the Berty Protocol, there are three different types of Groups: Account Group, Contact Group, and Multi-Member Group. A Group Member is a Berty user (an account) in a Group. Groups are essential for communication in Berty, and they have their own keys and secrets shared between all the Group Members:

  • Group Secret: The Group Secret is a symmetric key used to encrypt/decrypt group payloads.
  • Group ID Key Pair: The Group ID is used to derive the Group RDV Point. The private key is only used to generate the Group Secret Sig and to sign the creator Member ID, and then it is discarded (Multi-Member Groups only)
  • Attachment key: The Attachment Key is a symmetric key used to encrypt/decrypt contentID of files attached to messages. Attachment Key is not used to encrypt the files.
  • Group Secret Sig: The Signature of the Group Secret by the Group ID Private Key (only used in Multi-Member Groups)

Account Group

The Account Group is the group of all the devices linked to the same Account. Devices of the same account need to be in a private group in order to communicate with each other and share information about the Account, for example the messages sent and received, the groups joined, the contacts added, etc… The Account Group is only composed of one Group Member, who is the account owning all the devices. Every time a new device is linked to the Account, it joins the Account Group. The keys and secrets of the Account Group are randomly generated at the creation of the account in the same way as in Multi-Member Groups.

Contact Group

A Contact Group is a group consisting of exactly two Group Members who are Contacts. When an Account adds another Account as a contact, the Contact Group is created. The Group Secret, Group ID and Attachment Key are generated by the sender of the Contact Request using X25519 key agreement protocol.

If the secrets were generated the same way as in a Multi-Member Group and Account-Group (i.e. randomly), the lack of synchronization between devices could cause the creation of several distinct Contact Groups for the two same contacts. Let’s suppose that the Contact Group secrets are randomly generated by the group creator. Alice sends to Bob a contact request with her device A1 and Bob accepts the contact request with his device B1. A1 and B1 are now in a Contact Group with random secrets that A1 shared with B1. Then A1 and B1 are turned offline and A2 and B2 are turned online. A2 is not aware that the contact request of Alice has been accepted by Bob, so it sends it again and B2 accepts the new contact request as it is not aware that a contact request has already been accepted by B1. Again A2 generates random secrets and shares them with B2, and they are now in a Contact Group which is distinct from the first Contact Group since the secrets are different. This situation is avoided if secrets are generated deterministically from Alice’s and Bob’s Account ID key pairs.

Multi-Member Group

A Multi-Member Group is a group of several Group Members who may or may not be Contacts. A particularity of a Multi-Member Group is that users will not be using their Account ID in the Group, instead they will use a distinct Member ID, specific to this Group (derived from the Group ID and some secret accounts). Similarly their devices will use a Member Device ID (randomly generated). Hence users knowing each other’s Account ID (namely contacts) will not be able to recognize each other in Multi-Member Groups, unless they want to (see Alias Identity ).

Keys and secrets of the multi-member group are randomly generated at the creation of the group by the group creator. Once the secrets have been generated, the group creator posts an Init Member Entry on the Metadata Log:

As shown on the schema above, the Init Member Entry consists of a secret box sealed with the Group Secret ( ) containing the following elements:

  • The Member ID public key ( )
  • The signature of the Member ID public key ( ) by the Group ID private key

It is omitted on the schema but the secret box is signed with a key derived from the Group Secret and the signature is sent along. It is the case for all entries posted on the group, to prevent members from trying to decrypt and store messages sent by outsiders.

After posting this entry on the metadata log, the group creator discards the Group ID private key. All Members in the Group have the same status, except the creator of the group who can be identified with this Init Member Entry. However it does not grant them more rights or capabilities than the other Members.

Alias Identity

In Multi-Member Groups, users will not be using their Account ID in the Group, instead they will use a distinct Member ID, specific to this Group (derived from the Group ID and some account’s secret). Similarly their devices will use a Member Device ID (randomly generated). Hence users knowing someone’s Account ID will not be able to recognize them in Multi-Member Groups. However, if they want to be identified by their contacts, they can share with the group an Alias Entry, composed of an Alias Resolver and an Alias Proof:

  • Alias Resolver: an HMAC of the Alias public Key and the Group ID.
  • Alias Proof: the signature of the Alias Resolver by the Alias private key.

TODO: Add image

The Alias Key Pair is generated at the creation of the Account and the Alias Public Key is shared with Contacts once the contact request has been accepted. With the Alias Entry, everyone within the group who knows someone’s Alias public key will be able to identify their Member ID. When a user joins a new Multi-Member Group, it computes the Alias Resolver for each of its contacts so that whenever an Alias Entry is disclosed by another member, the matching is instant.

Please note that whenever an Alias Entry is disclosed in a Multi-Member Group, it cannot be undone. An Alias Entry can only be used to identify a member in one particular Multi-Member Group, since the Alias Resolver is derived from the Group ID.



In the Berty Protocol, all communications are fully end-to-end encrypted using Symmetric-key Ratchet . Every time a user wants to send a message to someone, a Message Key is derived from their Chain Key using HKDF . The HKDF also updates the Chain Key after each derivation. The Message Key is then used to encrypt the message and will not be reused to encrypt other messages.

Each member’s device within a group has a different Chain Key. The Group ID is included in the parameters of the HKDF to make the derived keys context-specific . At the beginning of the conversation members share their device’s Chain Key with the other participants. To decrypt messages sent by other participants, they have to follow the same process and derive the Message Key from the Chain Key of the sender with the HKDF for every message they receive.

// golang
func deriveNextKeys(currChainKey [32]byte, salt [64]byte, groupID []byte)
   (nextChainKey, nextMsgKey [32]byte) {
    // Salt length must be equal to hash length (64 bytes for sha256)
    hash := sha256.New

    // Generate Pseudo Random Key using currChainKey as IKM and salt
    prk := hkdf.Extract(hash, currChainKey[:], salt[:])
    // Expand using extracted prk and groupID as info (kind of namespace)
    kdf := hkdf.Expand(hash, prk, groupID)

    // Generate next chain and message keys
    io.ReadFull(kdf, nextChainKey[:])
    io.ReadFull(kdf, nextMsgKey[:])

    return nextChainKey, nextMsgKey

Joining a Group

To communicate with other devices (or users), a device (or a user) has to join a group. A device (or a user) can only join a group if it is in possession of an invitation.


An invitation is composed of the Group ID, the Group Secret, the Group Secret Sig and the Attachment Key. An invitation can thus be created by any member of the Group. With the invitation, a Berty user can compute the Rendezvous Point of the Group, which is derived from the Group ID.

Once the RDV Point has been computed, the user is able to download the metadata log on the group and decrypt part of its entries with the Group Secret. He will namely obtain the list of all the Group members, which is essential to exchange secrets with them and be able to decrypt their messages.

New member arrival

Once a user has received an invitation to join a Multi-Member Group and has downloaded the metadata log, they have to announce their arrival. To do so, they post a Member Entry for each of their devices on the metadata log:

As shown on the schema above, a Member Entry consists of a secret box sealed with the Group Secret ( ) containing the following elements:

  • The signature of the Group ID ( ) and the member device ID public key ( ) by the member ID secret key ( )
  • The Member ID public key ( ) to verify the signature
  • The Device ID public key ( ) to authenticate the new member

Now that the new member has announced their arrival, they need to exchange their chain key with the other members. To do so, for each of their devices they post a Secret Entry on the metadata log for each member already in the group:

A Secret Entry consists of a secret box sealed with the Group Secret ( ) containing the following elements:

  • The Sender Device ID public key ( )
  • The Receiver Member ID public key ( ) so that everyone within the group knows to whom the secret entry is addressed to
  • A secret box sealed with a shared secret that can be computed by both the Sender and the Receiver, containing the Sender’s Chain Key ( ) and its current counter.

This operation is bilateral, once a member has fetched a Secret Entry on the metadata log they also post a Secret Entry destined for the new member. In the end, everyone has the new member’s chain key and the new member has the current chain key of every member of the group.

Exchanging messages

Now that every member of the group has the chain key of the new member and the new member has the chain key of every member of the group, everyone is able to send and receive messages. To do so, they have to first derive a Message Key from their Chain Key following the symmetric ratchet protocol .

A Member who wants to send messages to the group has to post a Message Entry on the Message Log:

A Secret Entry consists of a secret box sealed with the Group Secret ( ) containing the following elements:

  • A secret box sealed by the message key containing the message.
  • The signature of this secret box with the Device ID secret key ( ).
  • The Device ID public key to verify the signature above and identify the sender.
  • The counter corresponding to the message key.

Once a member has fetched a message entry from the message log, they have to decrypt it using the sender chain key. First they need to rotate the sender’s chain key until they reach the message counter. Then they need to use the message key to decrypt the message.

Once the message key has been used, it is discarded because it can decrypt only one message.


  • Forward Secrecy: New members are not able to decrypt messages sent before their arrival because the Symmetric Ratchet Protocol grants Forward Secrecy. Indeed, it is not possible to revert a Chain Key into a previous state once it has been derived with the HKDF, and thus it is not possible to obtain a Message Key older than the current Chain Key.


  • Invitation expiration: As discussed earlier, there is no expiration time in the Berty Protocol due to its asynchronous nature. Thus invitations do not expire, are not nominative and can be used any number of times. Furthermore, contrary to the Account RDV Point, the Group RDV Point cannot be renewed at will by the Members and thus cannot be used to escape unwanted arrivals.
  • Member removal: A member cannot be removed from a group because it would involve the renewing of all the secrets including the members’ chain keys with the constraints that the banned member must not know the new secrets exchanged and that some members may not be synchronized with the rest of the group for a long period of time. The simplest, less error-prone and clearer way for the user, is simply to recreate a new group without the unwanted member. Members can willingly leave a group but for the others, there will be no cryptographic guarantee that a member has effectively left the group and is not in possession of the secrets anymore.
  • Scalability: Since new members have to post a secret entry for every member of the group and then have to receive a secret entry from every member of the group, a new arrival in a Multi-Member Group can become a very expensive process as the Group acquires more and more members. Thus it may be required to set a member limit in Multi-Member Groups to ensure the effective functioning of the applications using the Berty Protocol.
  • Post-compromise secrecy: There is currently no post-compromise secrecy in the Berty Protocol for the same reason there is no member removal. However, it could be feasible to renew all the members’ Chain Keys, for example every hundred messages sent to mitigate an eventual unnoticed compromise.

High Availability

Since there is no central server in the Berty Protocol, messages and files are only stored on users devices. Thus, if a certain device has some information and is offline, other devices will not be able to get this information. For example, if a user adds a contact with its device A, and turns device A offline and then uses device B, device B will not be aware of this new contact and will not be able to communicate with it.

To palliate this problem and provide high availability, the user can set up a dedicated device with one of the following configurations: bot account, linked device, replication device and replication server.

Bot account

A bot account is an account that was created on a dedicated device (e.g a server) and added to the user account as a contact. The user will have to manually add the bot contact into all its Multi-Member groups. Since nothing differentiates a bot account from a user account, this account can do everything a user account can do, including sending and reading messages. The bot account provides high availability for Multi-Member groups only, since it cannot be added to the Contact Group.

Linked device

A linked device can be dedicated to replication, however it is only a usage difference, and nothing differentiates this device from the other devices linked to an account, which means they can read and send messages, as well as join groups or link new devices to the account. Linked devices provide high availability for every group the account belongs to.

Replication device

A replication device is a dedicated device which is linked to an account but does not get all the account secrets and is not able to send contact requests or link new devices. It is automatically added to all the groups to which the account belongs but it does not get any of the group secrets, except the Group ID public key, the Group Sig and the Attachment Key. Therefore, it is not able to read messages nor to send them. All it can do is store messages and verify their authenticity with the Group ID public key, in order to avoid storing spam messaging from outside the group. It also needs the Attachment Key in order to decrypt an attachment cID and store the attachment.

Replication server

A replication server is basically a replication device that is not linked to a user account but instead is owned and made available by a third party. Anybody can add an existing replication server to a Group (via an API) to provide high availability. Like the replication devices, replication servers only get the Group ID public key, the Group Sig and the Attachment Key when they are added to the groups, and are thus unable to decrypt the messages.


Implementation Details

Specificities of direct transport

When a Berty user connects to another Berty user with direct transports, the first thing they do is send a list of all the RDV Points on which they are listening: their Public RDV Point (for contact requests) and all RDV Points of Groups to which they belong. If the second user is already listening on some of these RDV Points, they will both be able to communicate in those Groups using direct transports.

For example, if Alice and Bob are contacts, they will both listen on the RDV Point of their contact group and thus when Alice will send all her RDV Points to Bob he will see that they have an RDV Point in common, and he will be able to send her messages within their contact group. The same thing is valid for Multi-Member Groups.

Thus direct transports are not using a DHT like IPFS and this is a synchronous communication protocol since both devices need to be connected to each other in order to exchange messages. This aside, the Berty Protocol works exactly the same way.

⚠️ Warning

If Alice sends all her RDV Points to Bob, he could make deductions on her true identity in Multi-Member Groups. Bob will indeed know all the Groups to which he and Alice belong and may be able to link different Member IDs in different Groups to Alice.


Key Types

All key pairs used in the Berty Protocol are X25519 for encryption and Ed25519 for signature, for two main reasons:

  • These are smaller than RSA key pairs for the same level of security which means, less data to store and smaller payload to send over the network.
  • Elliptic Curve Cryptography is also faster than the RSA algorithm, especially on private key operations, which means less CPU consumption and thus a longer battery life on mobile devices.

Golang Packages

Most of the crypto libs used in the Berty Protocol are packages included in the standard Go library:

The only non-standard packages used in the Berty Protocol are the following two, although they have been written by experts are widely reviewed by the community:

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